هو 121

حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل نعم المولى ونعم النصير

Lectures, Speeches and Presentations in Scientific and Professional Conferences

Lectures, Speeches and Presentations
  1. Least Absolute Error Method
    Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
  2. Least absolute error estimation I (Single Variable Regression)
    The first International Conference on Statistical Data Analysis based on the L1-Norm and Related Methods, Université de Neuchâtel, Neuchatel, Switzerland
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  3. Least absolute error estimation II (Multiple Variables Regression)
    The first International Conference on Statistical Data Analysis based on the L1-Norm and Related Methods, Université de Neuchâtel, Neuchatel, Switzerland
    Link to PDF
  4. A proposed algorithm for least absolute error estimation I (Single Regression)
    The third National Conference on Mathematical Analysis, Shiraz, Iran
  5. A proposed algorithm for least absolute error estimation II (Multiple Regression)
    The third National Conference on Mathematical Analysis, Shiraz, Iran
  6. Functional form for estimating the Lorenz curve
    Australasian Econometric Meeting, Australian National University, Australia
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  7. Dual Exchange Market, Budget Deficit, and Economic Stability
    Deputy of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, Tehran, Iran
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  8. Appropriate Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies for Economic Stability in Iran
    Seminar on Exploring Issues of Economic Adjustment in Iran, Deputy of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, Tehran, Iran
    2 July 1992
    Volume 1 PDF    Volume 2 PDF
  9. Examination of Financial, Monetary, and Exchange Rate Policies in Iran
    Education and Research Complex, Ministry of Energy, Tabriz, Iran
    July 1995
  10. Targeting Policy for Controlling Inflation in Iran
    The Sixth Conference on Monetary and Exchange Policies, Tehran, Iran, Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran
    14-15 May 1996
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  11. Macro-Econometric Model of Iran, Simulation, and Prediction
    Iranian Economy Modeling Conference, Economic Affairs Deputy, Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, Iran
    2 August 1997
    PDF Detail    PDF Summary    PDF Book    PDF Slides
  12. Foreign Exchange Provisions of the Budget Bill for the Year 1377 (1998)
    Research Conference of the Research Center of the Islamic Parliment, Tehran, Iran
    29 December 1997
  13. A Model for Explaining the Parallel Currency Market in Iran
    The Ninth Conference on Monetary and Exchange Policies, Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, Iran
    18-19 May 1999
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  14. Examination of the Economic Structure and Past Performance of Abyek Cement Factory
    Seminar of the Performance of Fars and Khuzestan Cement Public Joint Stock Company, Fars and Khuzestan Cement Public Joint Stock Company, Tehran, Iran
    12 July 1999
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  15. Taxonomy of Financial Institutions and Economic Decision-Making Centers in the Structure of the Iranian Economy
    The Thirteenth Annual Conference on Monetary and Exchange Policies, Economic Research Institute, Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, Iran
    20 May 2003
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  16. Challenges of Industrial Development Strategy and the Stimulating Industry of the Iranian Economy
    Research Workshop on Critique and Evaluation of Summaries of Strategic Studies Development Strategy of the Country, Strategic Research Center, Expediency Discernment Council, Tehran, Iran
    30 November 2003
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  17. Joint Stock Non-Interest Bank and Re-examination of the Nature of the Interest-Based and Non-Interest-Based Banking Operations
    The Third Biennial Islamic Economics Conference: Islamic Economic Theory and the Performance of the Iranian Economy, Economic Research Institute, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
    24 December 2003
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  18. Effects of Iran's WTO Accession on the Cement Industry
    The Fourth European Cement Conference, Barcelona, Spain
    14-17 March 2004
    Link to PPT
  19. Macro-Econometric Model of Iran, Fifth Version
    Monthly Conference, Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, Iran
    12 May 2004
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  20. Economic-Juristic Analysis of Usury in Consumption and Investment Loans and Contemporary Jurisprudence Shortages in Exploring the Legislator Commandments
    The Second International Islamic Banking Conference, The Monash University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    9-10 September 2004
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  21. The Method of Cement Factory Economic Analysis
    International Cement Conference, On the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Tehran Cement Company, Tehran Cement Company in collaboration with Amirkabir University of Technology and University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
    3-4 October 2003
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  22. Iran's Macroeconometric Model, Sixth Version
    Monthly Conference of Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, Iran
    1 March 2005
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  23. Dynamic Disequilibrium Adjustment Model (DDAM) and Impact of Tariff Reduction on Iran's Cement Trade
    Iran Cement Economics Seminar, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
    27 September 2005
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  24. Econometric Simulation of Cement Price Liberalization
    Iran Cement Economics Seminar, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
    27 September 2005
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  25. Domestic and International Cement Transportation
    Iran Cement Economics Seminar, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
    27 September 2005
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  26. Cash Flow in Cement Projects
    Iran Cement Economics Seminar, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
    27 September 2005
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  27. Domestic Resource Costs (DRC) of Cement Production
    Iran Cement Economics Seminar, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
    27 September 2005
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  28. Relationship between Cement Investment Return and its Price
    Iran Cement Economics Seminar, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
    27 September 2005
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  29. Cement Supply and Demand Outlook on Iran and the World
    Iran Cement Economics Seminar, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
    27 September 2005
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  30. Environment and Cement Industry in Iran and Europe
    Iran Cement Economics Seminar, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
    27 September 2005
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  31. Operational Mechanism of Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS) Banking
    The Second Banking and Export Services Symposium, Export Development Bank of Iran, Tehran, Iran
    18 October 2008
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  32. Squandering and Ethic Economics, Consumer and Producer Behavior
    The First Seminar on Examining Requirements, Policies, and Reform Solutions for Consumption Patterns, Institute for Commercial Studies and Research, Ministry of Commerce, Tehran, Iran
    15 July 2009
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  33. Global Phenomenon of Hunger and Food Waste
    Waste Conference, Marvdasht Azad University, Marvdasht, Shiraz, Iran
    15 December 2009
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  34. Business Cycle Stabilization with Profit and Loss Sharing Banking and Ethic Economics
    Conference on Examining Financial Supply Dimensions and Methods in the Country with Emphasis on the Role of Banks, Insurance, and Capital Markets, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, Payam Noor University, and Bank Melli Iran, Tehran, Iran
    19 July 2011
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  35. Information Technology-Based Subsystems in Rastin Banking
    National Conference on Electronic Services: A New Approach to Sustainable Development, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
    20-21 November 2011
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  36. Good-Will Loan Certificate (SQC)
    National Conference on Islamic Banking in Financing (Emphasizing Islamic Banking), Mehre Iran Qarz al-Hasna Bank and Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
    13 December 2011
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  37. Elements of the Integrated Rastin Profit and Loss Sharing Banking System, Operational Management and Processes Perspective
    The First International Conference on Electronic Banking and Payment Systems, Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, Iran
    19-20 February 2012
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  38. Interbank Withdrawal Protocol (IWP) in Rastin Banking
    The Fourth Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT2012), Noshirawani Babol University of Technology, Babol, Iran
    May 24-26, 2012
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  39. Central Banking and Monetary Policy in Iran
    Economic Graduates Association, Faculty of Economics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
    1 October 2012
    Link to PDF
  40. Distribution of Profit Sharing between Depositors and Entrepreneur Based on the Euler's Theorem in Rastin Banking
    National Conference on Monetary and Banking Management Development, Ansar Bank, Tehran
    28-29 January 2014
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  41. Macro-Econometric Model of Iran
    Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, Iran
    9 February 2014
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  42. Economic Analysis of Various Types of Insurance and Characteristics of Islamic Government
    The Eighth Biennial Conference on Islamic Economics: Ethics in Islamic Economics and the Economy of Iran, Tarbiat Modares University, Economic Research Institute, Tehran, Iran
    May 7, 2014
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  43. Designing a Comprehensive Labor Market Information System
    Ministry of Labor, Cooperative and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Strategic Management Research Center of Ayandeh Sazan and the Research Center of Novin Pajoohan Danesh Rastin
    August 2016
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  44. Interest-Free Treasury Bills (In Rial and Foreign Currency)
    The Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference on Monetary and Foreign Exchange Policies, Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, Iran
    15-16 June 2014
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  45. Green Banking and Sustainable Financing in Rastin Banking
    The First National Conference on Banking and Environment, Environmental Protection Organization and Scientific and Applied Training Center of Bank Tejarat, Tehran, Iran
    8 January 2017
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  46. Green Economy and Pollution from Electricity and Electromagnetic Waves
    The First National Conference on Banking and Environment, Environmental Protection Organization and Scientific and Applied Training Center of Bank Tejarat, Tehran, Iran
    8 January 2017
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  47. Operational Solution to Address the Country's Banking Problems
    The Second National Conference on the Approach of Islamic Banking in Achieving Resistant Economy, Nonprofit Higher Education Institute of Ragheb Esfahani, Isfahan, Iran
    15 February 2017
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  48. Assessment of the Country's Banking System and Operational Solutions to Address Banking Problems
    The Twenty-First Session of the Critique of Islamic Banking and Financial Research, Monetary and Banking Research Academy, Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, Iran
    13 December 2017
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